MARRAM 'SAND' GRASS Ammophila arenaria

MARRAM 'SAND' GRASS Ammophila arenaria

  • marram-sand-grass


Commonly known as 'Sand Grass', Marram Grass was introduced to the Falklands around 1924 to stabalise drifting sand and control erosion. It can be tall, up to 1.5 m (59 inches) high, grows in clumps, and flowers December to February. In winter the green leaves die back to a a brownish straw. Very likely to be found where ever there are sand dunes.

This is a native plant of Western Europe, now widely naturalised in temperate coastal regions around the world.







Sources include:,The Vascular Flora of the Falkland Islands- D. M. Moore, B.Sc., Ph.D, 1968,
Photographic credits: Robert Maddocks, Ali Marsh
Photographs and Images Copyright: The images on this site have been bought under licence or have been used with the permission of their owners. They may not be copied or downloaded in any form without their owner's consent.
















